The Future of SEO – from Keyword to Context

SEO blog post

It is obvious that the future of SEO is closely connected to the approach and query process of search engines. Google wants to deliver the best result and this means high quality websites. To achieve this, as much information as possible is taken into account. This means that the explicit …

SEO Ranking Factors for Germany in 2013

SEO Ranking Factors for Germany, 2013 version

The exact search engine ranking algorithms are a mystery, even for search professionals. We know for example that there are more than 200 ranking factors in the Google algorithm, but the exact mix remains unknown, as Google is anxious to not disclose the details. The annually report from Searchmetrics about …

Beating the Google Panda 2.0: What you should know

How to beat the Google Panda 2.0

The latest update of the Google algorithm, named Panda 2.0 was released a few days ago. It was an expected update and apparently affected the rankings of a small percentage of sites, mostly in the US. To check the status of your website, track the organic traffic from Google in …