How to Test Your Analytics Setup in 3 Steps

So testen Sie Ihr Web Analytics Setup

Whether you are creating a new analytics implementation or trying to solve a problem with an existing one; testing and debugging is a vital part of the digital analytics process. It can be difficult at times to do this testing using just your analytics tool. Normal traffic to your site …

The Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising

If you are considering Facebook advertising but are not sure if and how Facebook ads work and how effective they are, this blog post will answer these questions. You often hear Facebook being neglected, comments like “Facebook is dead now” or how “Engagement is 5 times better on Instagram”.  Most …

Four Use Cases Showing the Successful Use of AdWords Scripts

Use Cases für AdWords Scripts

If you have been working with AdWords, chances are you have heard about AdWords Scripts at some stage. If you are already using AdWords Scripts, you will probably know that they are a great way to save time and improve performance. If you have not yet implemented AdWords scripts, read …

Top 10 SEO Ranking Factors for Financial Websites in 2017

Finance Industry

Searchmetrics has recently released a study of the main SEO ranking factors in the financial sector. The study compares the Google ranking factors of websites of the financial industry with all other industries. The study is based on industry-specific keywords as well as generic keywords, which are used across all …

Top 10 SEO Ranking Factors for Ecommerce Websites in 2017

Ecommerce Ranking Factors

It is no news that ecommerce continues to grow massively every year, allowing businesses to reach a larger audience than a traditional storefront location. Online shoppers love the convenience of being able to buy things anytime anywhere, having access to a broader range of products, exchanging information about products with …

Third Party Data in Google Analytics

weather data in google analytics

It is obvious that digital analytics is a means to obtain data-driven answers to digital questions. This is because every page load, impression, click and video view is tracked and analyzed. But what about the relationship between digital platforms and the environment outside the world of digital? For example, what …

Are you Ready for the EU’s New Data Protection Regulations?

Sind Sie gerüstet für die neuen Datenschutz-Richtlinien der EU?

What Are the New Data Protection Regulations? The European Union is soon to enact new regulations that govern what data you can collect about your customers and how you can use it. This legislation is called the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. Of course, as the name implies, the …

Five Tips for Successful Remarketing in Google AdWords

Five Tips for Successful Remarketing in Google AdWords

In the previous blog posts about Remarketing, we talked about „What is Remarketing“ or “How to implement remarketing” successfully in Google AdWords. This blog post will take it a step forward and will provide five tips for successful remarketing in Google AdWords. To set up and run successful remarketing campaigns …

How to Optimize Your SEO efforts for RankBrain

How to Optimize Your SEO efforts for RankBrain

Google’s RankBrain has grown up and is involved in every single search query. What does it do and, more importantly, what can YOU do? What is RankBrain? RankBrain is a machine-learning AI system which helps Google process search results. It was added to the Google algorithm Hummingbird in 2015. Back …

Event Tracking for AMP Pages

AMP Logo

In October 2016 Google Tag Manager was updated with a new container type to track AMP pages. AMP is an open source project allowing publishers and media sites to create webpages with content that loads significantly faster than regular web pages. In the first part of our tutorial we showed …

When Amazee Minds Come Together

Wenn Amazees zusammenkommen

About 10 years ago in a small co-working space in the Zurich based Technopark, a start-up was conceived that went by the name Amazee. The internet platform empowered individuals and organizations to initiate and promote their ideas and plans in projects, to find like-minded people and raise funds. After a …